Attractive Mindset
In an age of social influence and you can be whoever you want to be on the internet; we wanted to take time to slow down and focus on two things are "success". First, what are some obstacles you deal with on your way to success, that aren't often shown like the wins are. Secondly, what kind of MINDSET ensues with that, triggering a lifestyle around The Law of Attraction. Bringing you answers from some of the most brilliant and successful minds locally and globally, we present Attractive Mindset with our host Mastermind Rich; a serial entrepreneur and business mindset coach.
Attractive Mindset
The Power of Betting on YOU!!
Watch the Full Episode Here
In Episode 2, we introduce Rocky Toro, a Motivational speaker, coach, and marketing expert who realized she was not following her path in life while working in the corporate space. When adversity meets destiny you find your way and Rocky has been able to access her path through Motivational Speaking. If you or someone you know are interested in motivational speaking or want to learn more about confidence when speaking this episode is for you. Make sure to turn on post notifications so you never miss an episode.
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